Stomach growl stories
Stomach growl stories

stomach growl stories

stomach growl stories

RIEHL: Hypnosis is a strategy to help address the hypervigilance and hypersensitivity that happens in patients that have IBS, for example, irritable bowel syndrome. When the communication gets out of whack, every sensation we feel can be amplified. And if you're somebody that has a digestive problem, oftentimes - I always think about it like it's - the communication is turned up way too high.ĪUBREY: So if you eat something that upsets your stomach or you're thinking about something that provokes anxiety, the nerves throughout the digestive system are sending signals to the brain. MEGAN RIEHL: Our brain and our gut are communicating all the time. She does a kind of therapy called gut-directed hypnotherapy. This went on for years until he found a clinical psychologist at the University of Michigan, Megan Riehl. And then they give me a pill.ĪUBREY: The medicine slowed down his system temporarily. RON BURLEY: Before an airline flight or a trip or a presentation - I mean, you'd always worry, is there a bathroom near? Will I have to excuse myself? And it was a vicious cycle, almost.ĪUBREY: The more he worried, the more pain he had.ĪUBREY: He went to see a couple of doctors who ran tests and told him they could not find anything wrong.īURLEY: They said, well, it's probably just a temporary thing. He says for many years, every time he got stressed out or nervous, he felt it in one place - his gut. He's 75 years old, a retired advertising executive who lives in Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. NPR's Allison Aubrey reports.ĪLLISON AUBREY, BYLINE: If you've struggled with gastrointestinal or stomach issues and you can't find relief, Ron Burley (ph) feels your pain. This includes a hypnosis app to treat the stress and anxiety linked to common stomach problems which affect millions of Americans.

#Stomach growl stories how to

At a time when mental health is in the spotlight - it's World Mental Health Day today - there's increased focus on how to bring effective therapies to people using digital on-demand care.

Stomach growl stories